Internet of Things (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), Computer Hardware (CPU, GPU), Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Neural Networks), Big Data (data analysis)
Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, Java, Javascript, MatLab, Python, Verilog, HTML, Meteor React
Toolsets/OS: Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu, Git/GitHub, Eclipse, Intellij IDEA
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
B.S., Computer Engineering (expected Fall, 2020)
2017 - Present
iJam with Channel Randomization, Jordan L Melcher, Yao Zheng, Dylan Anthony, Matthew Troglia, Thomas Yang, Alvin Yang, Samson Aggelopoulos, Yanjun Pan, Ming Li, , 2020
Implemented a technique to prevent eavesdropping with no prior security association. Precodes the bitstream with the channel effect at the receiver. Prevents the decoding of the bitstream from attackers with multiple antennas.
FaIR: Federated Incumbent Detection in CBRS Band, Matthew Troglia, Jordan Melcher, Yao Zheng, Dylan Anthony, Alvin Yang, Thomas Yang, , 2019
Spectrum access system, detects incumbent users in the Citizens Broadband Radio Service band. Use environmental sensors to create a machine learning model to manage spectrum allocation.
Outstanding Graduating Senior, College of Engineering University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2020
This bi-annual award honor exceptional undergraduate students in their final term
Available upon request